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Lake Macquarie Landcare
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Lake Macquarie Landcare
Resource Link
The Hunter Region Landcare Network
Website of the Hunter Region Landcare Network
Landcare NSW
Website of Landcare NSW - state representation for Landcare groups in NSW
Landcare Australia
Website of Landcare Australia - a national collection of Landcare groups
Lake Macquarie City Council
Website for the Local Government Area of Lake Macquarie City Council
Visit Lake Macquarie
Access to visitor information about the Lake Macquarie region, download Maps, Visitor Guide and Walking Trails brochure.
Trees In Newcastle
Trees in Newcastle is a local native plant nursery, volunteer & education centre and provider of bush regeneration services.
Resource Link
Bush regeneration technique videos - LML
Lake Macquarie Landcare has produced a range of videos with best practice weeding and bush regeneration techniques for Landcare volunteers
Basic Weeding Technique Videos - SWC
The Sydney Weeds Committee has produced a range of videos on how to remove various weeds using common techniques.
Grow Me Instead
A brochure and interactive website providing guidance on plant choices for the garden to help gardeners avoid weeds
Control of Woody Weeds
Guide with drawings of cut and paint method for woody weeds
Control of weeds with underground reproductive structures
Guide with drawings of crowning and other methods for weeds with underground reproductive structures
Control of vines
Guide with drawings of scrape and paint method for vine weeds
Weeds in Australia website
The Weeds in Australia web site brings together information on weeds and weeds management at the national level, and is your connection with weed activity in Australia. It links to information and services on Australian Government and selected state and territory web sites and includes an A to Z of weeds plus a range of other weed publications.
NSW Weedwise - Weed Profiles and Control Guides
This site contains searchable information on common weed species and their control
Hunter Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan
A management plan for weeds of significance to the Hunter Region
Weeds of the Hunter and Central Coast
This booklet provides information to land managers and the wider community on the identification and control of common weeds encountered within the Hunter and Central Coast region.
Native plants and animals
Resource Link
Backyard Habitat Planting Guide
Plant Selector Table
This guide contains information to help you improve your backyard biodiversity, and learn how to create your own habitat garden.
Australian Plants Society NSW
Our aim is to inspire all Australians to love, grow and conserve our native plants. We have 18 active groups across NSW willing to share their insights and knowledge. For over 500 plant profiles, see our Plant database. For stories and info about growing native plants, conservation and tips and tricks, see Information and Monthly enewsletters Native Plants for NSW.
NSW Threatened Species information
Information and profiles on species listed as Threatened in NSW.
Creating places for birds
These guides contain information to assist you build bird boxes and attract birds to your community or garden.
Bionet Atlas
BioNet Atlas contains recorded sightings of plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, some fish, and some invertebrates.
For schools
Resource Link
Nature Watch Diary
Printable pages for students to start journals of what natural events are happening e.g. plants flowering, birds nesting.
Habitat Garden resources
A range of factsheets to assist schools with creating habitat gardens, including frog ponds and bush food gardens.
Junior Landcare Resource Centre
Resources to assist schools with learning about the environment, creating habitat gardens, bush tucker gardens and much more.
National Tree Day lesson plans
Turn your tree planting actions into valuable lessons on land use, ecosystems, biodiversity, habitat and many other environmental understandings with a range of free Lesson Plans and Digital Student Toolbox.
Health and safety
Resource Link
Bushfire Survival Plan
This document will help you make a Bushfire Survival Plan and prepare your property to give yourself, your family and your home the best chance of survival from a bushfire.
Tick Information from AABR
An overview of the health risks presented by ticks and control methods, with links to NSW Health and U.S. sites
Cultural heritage
Resource Link
Local Aboriginal Land Councils
Provides information on the boundaries and contact details for Local Aboriginal Land Councils.
Ask first: A guide to respecting Indigenous heritage places and values
Provides a practical guide for land developers, land users and managers, cultural heritage professionals and many others who may have an impact on Indigenous heritage.
Resource Link
RegenTV is AABR’s growing online library of restoration videos from forums and field days, aligned to the National Restoration Standards. Along with the videos there are learning resources for students and life-long learners. RegenTV allows for the sharing of current thinking, in a rapidly growing field, in a climate changing world.
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