Joining an existing group

There are almost 200 Landcare groups in Lake Macquarie - most are small, consisting of one or two people, while some have more than 20 volunteers in their group. The following Landcare groups have indicated they would like more volunteers. They are broken up into Wards and sorted by suburb for ease of navigation. Please note we cannot publish a full list of contact phone numbers of the Team Leaders of each group for privacy reasons but some groups, which are listed, have indicated they do not mind making their meeting days and contact details known. If you have found that there is a Landcare group in your area and you would like to join them, contact Lake Macquarie Landcare (LML) on 4921 0392 and we will forward your contact details to the relevant group.

North Ward Groups

Suburb Group Name Meeting Time Contact Details
Cardiff Afton Close 2nd & 4th Sat of month 9-12, at end of Close LML 4921 0392
Charlestown Flaggy Creek Landcare 2nd Sat of the month, 8am, meet at corner of Kaleen & Wakal Sts Robert Gibson 4943 7486
Highfields Highfields Landcare Variable LML 4921 0392
Kahibah Kenibea Landcare (Cnr Kenibea Ave & Ocean View Pde) Variable LML 4921 0392
Kotara South Tathra Landcare Variable Sundays 8-10am. Meet at end of Neerim Ave LML 4921 0392
Lakelands Biddabah Creek Landcare Every Monday at 8:30am Vina 0437 492 387
Macquarie Hills Torrens Avenue Landcare Varies LML 4921 0392
Rankin Park Central Rankin Park Landcare Wed, Sun LML 4921 0392
Whitebridge Fernleigh Track Whitebridge 1st Sat and 3rd Fri of month, 8 -11am. Fernleigh track rest area, entry from Paterson Close, Whitebridge. LML 4921 0392
Whitebridge Whitebridge Balireh Varies LML 4921 0392

West Ward Groups

Suburb Group Meeting Time Contact Details
Bolton Point Awaba Bay Landcare 1st Sun of each month, 9am-12noon, The Ridgeway between Bolton Cl & Fulton Cl LML 4921 0392
Coal Point/ Carey Bay Coal Point Progress Association Landcare Every Thursday 8am-12:30pm LML 4921 0392
Dora Creek Dora Creek Landcare Minnie Street or Boat Ramp site - every Tuesday 9am – noon at one or the other LML 4921 0392
Eraring Eraring Landcare Variable LML 4921 0392
Fennell Bay/ Bolton Point Kooroora Bay Landcare 8.30-11.30am, every 2nd Wednesday of the month (please call to confirm) LML 4921 0392
Holmesville West Wallsend District Landcare Varies

Robynne 4953 3401 or 0429322051

Mirrabooka Dandaraga Road - Fishery Point Landcare  1st Thursday or 3rd Saturday of each month. Email Wilma
or call LML 4921 0392
Morisset Lakeside Retirement Village Landcare Varies - several times a month LML 4921 0392
Morisset Park Lake Petite Landcare Varies LML 4921 0392
Sunshine Sunshine-Silverwater Landcare 1st Saturday and 3rd Thursday mornings of each month LML 4921 0392 or email Marion
Toronto Toronto Greenway Landcare Every Sat from 8am. LML 4921 0392
Toronto Toronto Lions Park 2nd Friday of the month, 8-10am LML 4921 0392
Wangi Wangi Dobell Drive Reserve Landcare 2nd Sun of the month 8am –10am LML 4921 0392
Wangi Wangi Myuna Bay Landcare 2nd Fri of the month, 9am – 12noon. LML 4921 0392 or email
Wangi Wangi Wangi Ridge Preservation Board Landcare Sun, 8-10am, meet at water tank at Cres Rd LML 4921 0392
Wyee Point Wyee Point Reserve Landcare Varies - see Wyee Point Reserve Landcare Facebook page LML 4921 0392

East Ward Groups

Suburb Group Name Meeting Time Contact Details
Belmont John Fisher Road Varies LML 4921 0392
Blacksmiths Blacksmiths Marks Point Pelican Sustainable Landcare group Varies, usually meet Tues 8:30am Grannies Pool Carpark Greg 4971 4808
Catherine Hill Bay Catherine Hill Bay Landcare First Mon of the month, 3-5pm, meet at the car park at Graveyard Beach Carmel Brown 0438 499 636
Eleebana Stobbart Creek Landcare Every 3 weeks, 8:30-10am LML 4921 0392
Floraville Floraville Ridge & Rainforest Reserve Variable Winsome 0431 968 315
Jewells Ballantrae to Halewood Variable LML 4921 0392
Valentine Green Point Foreshore Reserve Landcare Every Wed 8-11am LML 4921 0392
Valentine Allambee Gardens Reserve Landcare Last Sun of month 2-4pm LML 4921 0392
Warners Bay/ Eleebana/ Lakelands Warners Bay Landcare Usually 1st Sun, 2nd Thurs and 3rd Fri of the month, 9am-12noon LML 4921 0392